7:35 PM

I've Moved!

Mustard In Bloom has moved from mustardinbloom.blogspot.com to... mustardinbloom.com  here is the new link  (just click on words in color).

Sorry, for any inconvenience.  Thank you for visiting! MIB : )
4:21 PM

His and Hers

I finally own a pair of galoshes  I mean rubber boots... yeaaaa. I no longer need to wear hubby's big, awkward irrigation boots!  When I was a kid we called our dad's boots; irrigation boots. I'm so excited to have found a pair that fit me! My daughter loves the red plaid design. I'm excited because now I don't have to struggle to keep my boots on, as I wade through water and muck! Now I can splash in puddles with my grandchildren and keep my feet dry!

Since this is our rainy season, I wear them often... our back lawn is soggy, the field next to us is muddy, and there is usually a stream flowing in front of our house after it rains. Now that makes me happy!

                                                                his Boots. . . my Boots!

                                    just a little stream flowing along the curb as I'm getting the mail

                                                                   more soggy ground. . .

                                                                 just stylin' in my boots

                      I love my granddaughter's boots. She'd rather wear them instead of shoes.
so cute!
10:12 PM


Just some aprons I've made from my stash of fabric finds. I'm always on the look out for colorful or unusual prints. A girl just can't have to many aprons in my opinion.


The yellow paisley apron (below) was made from a barely worn if at all shirt dress to small to fit any human I know. After ripping open the side seams I pieced it to have enough to make the front part. (sorry I don't have a before and after pic...I didn't know I would be blogging when I made it 6 mos. ago). It has a pocket on the side trimmed with black rick rack.

                                                                 love the paisley print

                                                the print on this apron has an oil cloth look

The red floral print is one of my favorite fabric finds. I feel like twirling in my kitchen when I'm wearing one of these.There was enough fabric to make a full + half apron. I added a little rosey swirl accent for the front.

This rosey apron is my take of a loved and worn apron (bottom pic) that I found at a garage sale. I bought it hoping to make one like it. The printed area is one big balloon pocket. I can think of several ways to use this pretty + functional apron.

For instance I can see myself wearing this apron to pick green beans and tomatoes or cuks... instead of dropping them on the ground. This handy little apron with a balloon pocket could be stuffed full of un-bruised veggies! Just thinking about it makes me want to go and plant some seeds. See ya...oh, but first I'll finish ologing about my aprons.

                                                                apron I made (above)

apron I found and love!

11:58 AM

Retro Tablecloth Apron (Quickie Tutortial)

I love bold printed retro tablecloths! This one I found at a garage sale. It's not perfect, it has a few stains + holes which only adds to the charm of it and it's a little faded but that didn't stop me from buying it. Last weekend I decided to make an apron out of it. The tablecloth was a 52" square cloth.

I didn't follow a pattern because I wanted to keep the tablecloth border as the main design of the apron. It worked out better than I thought it would. Here is a quickie tutorial of it being made.

8:26 PM

Repurposing A Skirt

The blouse I still have hanging in my closet (pic above), the skirt I repurposed and used to accent the wreath you see below.

I’ve had this wreath on my door since November. It’s nice to hang something that isn’t too seasonal so it can stay up beyond Christmas. I’ll probably take it down in a few weeks but did you notice the wreath and the shirt have the same red fabric?

A generous neighbor gave me this lovely two piece outfit (skirt and shirt set) but the waistband on the skirt was too tight! I could wear it if I sucked in my tummy… but then I’d probably turn blue and pass out after a minute of torturing myself. The top fits me fine and is hanging in my closet. Anyway, the skirt got tossed in a not sure what to do with pile…

After gluing on the burlap and first fabric layer as I was making this wreath I felt like it needed something more...some color perhaps?  As I was looking around for the right something I saw that pile of clothes that I wasn't sure what to do with... when the red skirt caught my eye.

Need I say more…except that I’ve been enjoying the wreath for months now hanging on my door!  
8:14 PM

Cake Recipe From Mustard in Bloom's Kitchen

                                               Here's the cake I made on Valentine's Day

                                                    Upside-Down Chocolate Chip Cake:

               3 T. butter                                                1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
               1/2 cup brown sugar                              1/4 cup brown sugar
               4 tsp. water                                             2 tsp. baking powder
               1/2 cup shredded coconut                    1/2 cup milk
               1/2 cup chopped walnuts                      1/4 cup butter, softened
               1 cup flour                                                2 eggs
               2/3 cup sugar                                          1 tsp. vanilla
                                                                   3/4 cup semisweet choc. chips; (divided 1/2 c. & 1/4 c.)

Preheat oven 350.
Melt 3 T. of butter in a 9 in. round cake pan on stove top burner that is turned on low. Stir in  1/2 cup brown sugar and 4 t. of water. Sprinkle coconut and chopped nuts in the pan and spread it around evenly.  Set pan aside.
In medium mixing bowl stir together flour, sugar, cocoa powder, the 1/4 cup brown sugar and the baking powder. Add milk, the 1/4 cup softened butter, eggs and vanilla. Beat with an electric mixer on low speed until combined. Beat on medium speed for 1 minute. By hand, stir in 1/2 cup of the choc. chips (save the 1/4 cup for later).  Spread batter into the pan that was set aside. Helps to not plop it all in the center; drop spoonfuls around the pan and spread with a fork or spatula.
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes.  I watch the cake at the 30 minute time so it doesn't get to crispy on the edges. In my older oven it took 35 min. Ovens vary so watch closely. Cake will be firm in the center when lightly touched.
When done remove from oven and cool on wire rack for 5 minutes. Loosen sides; invert onto a plate. Immediately sprinkle remaining choc. chips over the topping (sometimes I add a little more. Let stand about 1/2 hour before slicing. Serve by cutting it into wedges like serving a pie.
Serves 8.  Serve with whipping cream or cool whip. The cake tastes even better the second day : )

8:35 PM

In loving memory...

I want to dedicate this post to a lady who was a great example to me in the way she lived her life.  She was a person who could love and lift everyone. I came across a recipe of hers’ and realized how much I miss her. She passed on to her eternal home (Feb. 2010).  

A Recipe for a Better Attitude

  1. Never criticize others.
  2. Demonstrate faith by living it constantly.
  3. Courageously cheer others up. Remember, the word gospel means “good news”.
  4. Greet people with a smile.
  5. Plan on each day being the best you’ve ever had.
  6. Like what you are doing and who you are!

Thank you Afton… I’m going to try to follow your recipe a little better!